라붐1 Reality - Richard Sanderson Reality는 Richard Sanderson(리처드 샌더슨)이 부른 노래로 영화 La Boum(라붐)의 OST입니다. 우선 가사를 보며 노래를 듣고 그다음 단어들을 정리한 후 몇몇 가사들을 해석해봅시다. youtu.be/zYwtbgWfiCI [가사] Met you by surprise I didn't realize That my life would change forever Saw you standing there I didn't know I'd care There was something special in the air Dreams are my reality The only kind of real fantasy Illusions are a common thing I try to live in dr.. 2021. 2. 10. 이전 1 다음